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Who are we?

We have seen and done it all, visiting a huge number of the "greatest" hotels, restaurants and clubs in the world, spanning all 7 continents (ok fine, not Antarctica yet). However, doing this made we realised one thing: all of them would benefit from some gentle pointers on how to not make their guests lose their minds. Post-stay questionnaires fail to identify any useful information and, even if they do, it is rarely acted on.


We found ourselves mentally cataloguing every issue, big and small, until we realised that it might be better to do something about it. 


So we founded Hyperborea Group, a small bespoke luxury consultancy service for clients in the hospitality industry.


Our strengths are simple: we are snobs of the highest order. We won't whinge and moan on social media or online; we simply and discretely catalogue what isn't working and we let you know. We are represent the sophisticated guest that is your establishment's typical customer. We want to tell you what is great, and what is not, about your service.


So how do we work?


Our standard model is simple, although it depends on which type of hospitality service you are (a hotel and a bar will get treated very differently). After contacting us and agreeing how we will work and our fees (without disclosing our names), we will independently make a booking and visit your establishment. We will then enjoy (hopefully) our time in your establishment while discretely noting everything that needs improving. We will pay for the experience initially (so as not to disclose who we are) and then, only after you receive your report, we will ask you to refund us the cost of the experience. The report will be a detailed analysis - both positive and negative - of staff, service, food, drink and every aspect we can think of. We also request that, prior to our visit, you provide us with a brief idea of what you are aiming for in terms of atmosphere, typical customer etc. so that we can tailor our comments suitably.

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